Introducing Our New Social Media Managers

Have you noticed that ChangeStream Media has been posting Facebook and Twitter updates a lot more frequently lately? That’s all thanks to our awesome new Social Media Managers!

Laura Brewer PhotoSocial Media Manager Laura Brewer was raised in a family of musicians and writers who cultivated her passion for the arts from an early age. With degrees in English and Media Studies from Loyola University Chicago, Laura armed herself with tools to create, promote and share creative projects. She also continued to develop a commitment to social responsibility and justice. Since moving to Seattle over two years ago, Laura has advanced social media efforts and written for such organizations as the Seattle Office of Film + Music, Seattle International Film Festival, Seattlest, The Local Dish and eMedia Music. She has also edited and produced small film projects, including two projects commissioned by the City of Seattle about local music. Laura is thrilled to couple her arts background with her enthusiasm for grassroots efforts with ChangeStream Media!

Nina Cesare photoSocial Media Manager Nina Cesare’s academic work focuses on how online spaces are being used to transform social activism and bolster the influence of grassroots support in social movements. She graduated from Ohio University with a B.A. in sociology in 2011 and is currently attending the University of Washington, where she is pursuing a PhD in sociology. She has also worked with Amnesty International’s Online Communities and E-Activism team, helping to virtually communicate with online constituents and mobilize them to participate in organizational events. With this interest and background, she hopes to inform and empower ChangeStream Media’s supporters by informing them how online tools can and have helped individual supporters truly make a difference.